Monday, July 2, 2012

Make money from home.. Really??

Ok so I am always looking for ways to save money and obviously increase the amount of money coming in is nice as well. I have seen so many incentive websites such as survey websites or other websites that pay you to shop through their sites.. from what I have seen they are pretty time consuming with a small return. Then I came across a company called Zip Nada Zilch. It's an incentive website that pays people to basically share the opportunity with other people. When you sign up for it you have options of different trial offers or other special offers you can try out. Once you have gone through enough of them (I went through about 6 of them) you are qualified to share the program and make money by doing so. The offers are all either free or really low cost, so if you wanted you could just take advantage of all the free ones and not pay any money to get into this program. One thing to keep in mind is that the trial offers will automatically bill you if you don't cancel before the period is up. The more people you refer, the more money you make (that is if they sign up for the program as well).

From what I can see this program is legit. I ended up spending about $29, but it was all on stuff I would have ordered anyway. I made sure to not pick anything I wouldn't actually use. I am now able to share the program with other people and get referrals. You can make $20-$80 off of each referral. I just started, so I haven't gotten any referrals yet, but once I do I will report back! If you are interested in the program, here is a link to a video that goes into more details.

ZipNadaZilch Video and guide

Please let me know what you think!